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私はそれを気にしません。しかし何よりも、彼は私を笑わせました。ご存じない方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、私はウェールズの炭鉱夫の孫娘です。彼は決心しました-彼は彼の子供たちが鉱山から出ると決心しました。私の父は、ウェールズの小さな村(inaudible)で6歳のときに最初の仕事に就きました。 (inaudible)でボトルを掃除します。









それは本当です-ミットが彼が引き受けたそれぞれの新しい挑戦で成功しているのは本当です。彼の成功の歴史が攻撃されているのを見ると、実際に私は驚いています。それらは本当に私たちの国を素晴らしいものにした価値観ですか? (観客):いいえ。













アン・ロムニーの最高の瞬間:&#x27I Love You Women!&#x27


「夜遅く、私たち全員がほんの少しの間沈黙し、注意深く耳を傾けると、アメリカ中のママとパパから大きな集合的なため息が聞こえたと思うことがある」とロムニー夫人は言った。 「そして注意深く耳を傾けると、女性が男性よりも少しため息をついているのが聞こえます。」



「この男は失敗しないだろう」とアン・ロムニーは言った。 「この男は私たちをがっかりさせません。」






「ミットと私は 『物語の結婚』をしているとどこかで読んだ。ええと、私が読んだ童話では、5人の男の子が一度に叫んでいる家で、長くて長い雨の冬の午後は決してありませんでした。そして、それらの童話には、MSまたは乳がんと呼ばれる章がないようでした」と彼女は彼女が持っている病気に言及して言いました生き残った。 「童話の結婚?いいえ、まったくありません。ミット・ロムニーと私が持っているのは本当の結婚です。」







米国の人種差別を終わらせるための呼びかけであった歴史的な演説は、ワシントン大行進のリンカーン記念館の前で行われた。これは、人権団体と政治的権利団体によって組織された政治集会である。 20万人以上がワシントンDCに集まり、アフリカ系アメリカ人の仕事と平等を要求しました。キング博士によるIHave a Dreamの演説は、アメリカの公民権運動の象徴となり、記録された歴史の中で最も有名な演説の1つです。

1963 エバーグリーン橋が初めて開通


1955 エメット・ティルがミシシッピ州で殺害される


1937 トヨタ自動車株式会社が設立


1845 ScientificAmericanの創刊号がニューススタンドに登場




2009年8月14日、共和党全国委員会は、2012年大会の開催都市を選択するプロセスを開始するために8人のメンバーからなるサイト選択委員会を指名しました。 [6] 2010年初頭のニュース報道によると、タンパ、ユタ州ソルトレイクシティ、アリゾナ州フェニックスが大会会場の最終候補者として選ばれました。 [4] [7] [8]決定は、タンパが開催都市として選ばれた2010年5月12日に発表されました。 [9]


501(c)(3)非営利団体である2012年タンパベイホスト委員会は、コンベンションを開催するために必要な資金を調達する任務を負った、公式で連邦政府が指定したコンベンションの大統領コンベンションホスト委員会でした。 [10]ホスト委員会は、10人の著名なフロリダの経営者、市民のリーダー、およびその他のコミュニティのリーダーで構成されていました。アルオースティンが会長を務め、ケンジョーンズが社長兼最高経営責任者を務めました。 [11] [12]主催委員会は、2012年8月27日の時点で資金調達の目標を達成し、2012年の共和党全国大会を主催するために5,500万ドル以上を集めました。


大会のテーマは「より良い未来」でした。 [13]毎日、独自のテーマもありました。月曜日は「We Can Do Better」、火曜日は「We Built It」、水曜日は「We Can Change It」、木曜日は「We BelieveinAmerica」でした。これらの毎日のテーマに加えて、共和党全国委員会は、「ニュート大学」と呼ばれるニュートギングリッチ下院議長が主催する一連の政策ワークショップを提示すると発表しました。 [14]大会の主な目的は、ロムニーの「最大の選挙のハードル」と、共和党のトップが懸念するロムニーの「最も緊急の課題」の両方として説明され、彼を非接触のエリート主義者として描写する努力に対抗することでした。彼のビジネスキャリアのイメージをリハビリします。 [15]大会は、2012年8月27日から30日まで続いた。大会のウェブサイトによると、2,286人の代表者、2,125人の代理人、15,000人の資格のあるメディアメンバーが参加した。大会のCEOはウィリアムD.ハリスでした。 [16]ジョージ・W・ブッシュ前大統領とジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ前大統領、ディック・チェイニー前副大統領など、共和党の著名人が大会に出席しないことを選んだ。しかし、3年前に辞任して以来政治の場から離れていたジョージW.ブッシュへのビデオトリビュートは、ブッシュの家族が彼を称賛した水曜日の夜の大会で上映されました。敬意を表して、ブッシュの父、ジョージH.W.ブッシュ大統領は、ジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領について、「大統領職の周りにスキャンダルの汚染は一度もなかった。そして、その重要性を忘れていると思う」と述べた。 [17]


大会は国家特別警備行事に指定されました。これは、法執行に対する最終的な権限がシークレットサービスと国土安全保障省に委ねられたことを意味します。 [18]連邦政府は、条約の安全のために5000万ドルを提供した。 [19]お金の多くは、追加の警察の代理に使われた。その他の費用には、拡張された監視技術と装甲SWAT車両が含まれていました。 [20] [21]タンパベイは、地上警察とヘリコプターの間のビデオリンクに118万ドルを費やしたことを具体的に明らかにした。 [22] [23] [24]市は、警察が地元の見本市会場を司令部として使用することと引き換えに、フロリダ州立見本市会場局に16,500ドルを支払った。 [25]

ヘリテージ財団のダニ・ドアンは、警察の存在を「不安」で「警察国家のよう」と表現しました。 [26] [27]他の人々は、小さな抗議と逮捕がほとんどない静かな週を報告した。 [28] [29]警察はイベント中にボトル入り飲料水を配り[30]、ある時点で抗議者に弁当を提供した。 [31]


バージニア州知事のボブ・マクドネルが議長を務める委員会がタンパで会合し、党の綱領を起草した。 2012年8月21日、委員会は大会での承認のために60ページの文書を発表しました。プラットフォームは8月28日の大会で熱狂的に承認されました。[32] [33]ポリシーは次のとおりです。[34]

  • 中絶を禁止する人間の生活の修正(もしあれば、議会によって決定される例外を除いて)[35]および「第14修正の保護が胎児に適用されることを明確にするための」法律。 [36]
  • 結婚を一人の男性と一人の女性の結合として定義する憲法改正。同性結婚に対する法的承認を拒否する連邦政府および各州の権利。 [32]
  • メディケアの場合:適格年齢を引き上げ、政府が個人の費用を負担するのではなく、定額を支払う確定拠出年金に移行します。 [37]
  • 新しい「ゲストワーカー」プログラム[38]「危険であるが移送できないエイリアン」のための長期拘留。 [39]
  • 禁欲は、政府が資金提供するティーンエイジャーのための家族計画の唯一の形態であるべきです。 [37]
  • 監査および固定価値通貨への返還の実行可能性の調査による連邦準備制度の透明性の向上。 [40]
  • 現在の税制が大幅に変更された場合、第16修正条項を廃止することにより、連邦所得税を終了します。 [41]
  • 気候変動を抑制するための事業規制に反対し、環境保護庁の権限を縮小し、「環境の私的管理」を促進する。 [42]


Fox News [43]とAP通信の代表者の予測によると[44]、マサチューセッツ州知事のMitt Romneyは、2012年5月29日にテキサス州の初等協会で共和党の大統領指名を獲得し、党の推定候補者となった。 [45]大会の2週間前の8月11日、ロムニーはポール・ライアンを彼のランニングメイトとして発表した。 [46]この決定により、ライアンはウィスコンシンからの最初の主要政党副大統領候補となった。 [47]





当初の計画では月曜日にスピーチが必要でしたが、熱帯低気圧アイザックのため、月曜日のプログラムのほとんどがキャンセルされ、すべてのメインスピーカーは後で大会で話すようにスケジュールが変更されました。 [48] [49]

ロンポールは、ロムニーキャンペーンが彼の発言を事前にレビューすることができ、ロムニーを完全に支持するという条件の下で、スピーチスロットを提供されました。 [50]パウロは、彼が「未決定の有権者」のままであると言って、申し出を断った。 [51]ポールは、「それは私の演説ではないだろう。それは私が過去30年間にしたすべてを取り消すだろう。私は彼を大統領に完全に支持するわけではない」と説明した。 [50]代わりに、ポールへの賛辞のビデオが大会で上映された。 [52]

下院議員のキャシー・マクモリス・ロジャースが公式の大会主催者を務め、大会の毎晩の初めにスピーチのテーマを提供するために講演しました。 [53]

大会の月曜日の夜のプログラムを閉じることを目的とした最も切望されたスピーキングスロットは、ミットロムニーの妻であるアンロムニーに行く予定でした。しかし、主要なテレビネットワークが月曜日のゴールデンタイムの報道をオプトアウトしていたため(月曜日の活動のキャンセル前)、彼女のスピーチは、放送ネットワークが報道を開始した午後10時EDTの後、8月28日火曜日に移されました。プエルトリコのファーストレディー、フォルトゥニョ。 [54]彼女の演説におけるアン・ロムニーの仕事は、ロイス・ロマノによって説明されました。 ポリティコ 「共和党の政治で最も鋭い心が失敗したことを成し遂げようとすること:彼女の堅くてぎこちない夫を好感の持てる男として提示すること」として。 [55]

他の8月28日の講演者には、ジョン・ケーシック知事(オハイオ州)、ニッキー・ヘイリー(サウスカロライナ州)、ボブ・マクドネル(バージニア州)、メアリー・フォーリン(オクラホマ州)が含まれていました。 [56]


熱帯低気圧アイザックのため、月曜日に予定されていた活動は延期またはキャンセルされました。RNC議長のラインスプリーバスは月曜日の午後2時に注文するように大会に電話し、アリーナで借金時計を開始しました。午後。 [57]


火曜日の午後、メイン州の代表者の大部分は、ロンポールの代表者10人をロムニーの代表者10人に置き換えるという決定に抗議して大会を去りました。 [58] RNCによるこの行動はそれに応じて来た[58] 検証に失敗しました ]ポール支持者によるメイン州の共和党州大会の乗っ取りにより、ポールの代議員の割合は、党員集会の投票数によって権利を与えられた代議員の割合の2倍になりました。 検証に失敗しました ]追加の10人の代表はロムニーを犠牲にして来ました。 [59]

もともと月曜日の夜のプログラムの終わりに話す予定だったアン・ロムニーは、2012年8月28日火曜日に共和党全国大会の前で話しました。ロムニーは、彼女のスピーチは政治や党ではなく、愛についてであると述べて始めました。彼女は夫のミット・ロムニーについて、夫を好意的で親しみやすいものとして提示しようとして話し、相手が彼を非接触のエリート主義者として描写したことに一部応えました。 [60]



    、ニューヨーク市の会衆ケヒラス・ジェシュルンの準ラビ、イェシーバー大学のトーラーと西洋思想のためのストラウスセンターの所長、共和党全国委員会の共同議長。 、タンパの民主党の市長。
  • 共和党全国大会のCEO、ウィリアム・ハリス。
  • タンパベイホスト委員会の委員長、アルオースティン。 、テキサス州の第32議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員
  • リッキーギル、カリフォルニアの第9議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、テキサス州の第23議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。
  • アンディバー、ケンタッキー州の第6議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、第12地区のノースカロライナ上院議員およびノー​​スカロライナの第7議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、ノースカロライナ州の第8議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、ノースカロライナ州の第11議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、ミシガン州の第1議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。
  • ジョンアーチャー、アイオワ州の第2議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、第21地区のインディアナ州下院議員の元共和党員であり、インディアナ州の第2議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補者。 、モンタナズアットラージ議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、ユタ州の第3議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、サウスカロライナ州の最初の議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、ウィスコンシン州の第7議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、ペンシルバニアの第4議会地区の米国下院議員の共和党候補。 、アーカンソー州の第2議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、第43地区のネブラスカ州議会の議員であり、ネブラスカ州の上院議員の共和党候補。 、ノースダコタ州の大規模な議会地区の米国下院議員およびノー​​スダコタ州の上院の共和党候補。 、第34地区のバージニア州下院議員。
  • レイリン・コーネンキー、全米共和党女性連盟の会長。
  • 共和党全国委員会の全国委員長、アレックスシュライバー。 、オクラホマシティの共和党の市長。
  • クリス・ファスナー、海外共和党のグローバルチェア、トランステクノロジーのCEO。
  • リサ・スティッカン、若い共和党の議長。 、ノースダコタ州の上院議員。 、テネシー州の第7議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、米国下院議長。 、共和党全国委員会の委員長。 、ユタ州サラトガスプリングス市長、ユタ州第4議会地区の米国下院議員候補。 、女優、ティーパーティー活動家。 、デラウェア州副知事の候補者。発表されたスピーカーの順序と比較して、リック・サントラムと場所を切り替えました。 、ワシントンの第5議会地区のアメリカ合衆国下院議員。 、ニューハンプシャー州の上院議員、ギルクリストメタルファブリケーションの所有者であるジャックギルクリストが同行。 、オハイオ州知事。 、オクラホマ州知事。 、バージニア州知事、ベブグレイを伴う。 、ウィスコンシン州知事。 、ネバダ州知事。
  • ニューメキシコ州のビジネスマン、フィル・アルクレッタ。 、ペンシルベニア州の元米国上院議員および2012年大統領候補。 、元テキサス州の勧誘総長であり、2012年にテキサス州から上院議員に共和党候補者となった。 、アラバマ州の第7議会地区の元民主党米国下院議員、およびアラバマ州知事の2010年民主党候補者。 、サウスカロライナ州知事。 、プエルトリコのファーストレディ。 、マサチューセッツ州の元ファーストレディーと共和党候補のミットロムニーの妻。 、ニュージャージー州知事-基調講演者。 [5]


Wednesday saw a speech from vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan. [61] The accuracy of some of Ryan's statements was widely challenged by the media, fact-checkers, and political opponents. [62] [63] The Associated Press criticized Ryan for taking "factual shortcuts", [64] and the speech was criticized in other outlets for being "misleading" [65] [66] and "dishonest". [67] [68] The most widely challenged portion of Ryan's speech occurred when Ryan criticized Obama for supposedly claiming, at a 2008 campaign appearance at a GM plant in Janesville, Wisconsin (which was slated for closure), that he (Obama) would keep that plant open if he became president. [69] GM began a phased plant closing for the Janesville facility during the 2008 presidential campaign, laying off nearly all of its 1,200 workers on December 23, 2008. 57 workers remained employed at the plant during final assembly and another 40 to 50 in the decommissioning of the plant. [70] [71] On September 19, 2011, GM reported that the Janesville plant was on standby status, as part of a contract between itself and the UAW. [72]

The speakers for the day were:

    , Republican Minority Leader of the Senate. , United States Senator from Kentucky. , Salt Lake City Gold Olympian alpine ski racer, and Jeanine McDonnell , U.S. Senator from Arizona and 2008 presidential nominee. , Attorney General of Florida, and Sam Olens, Attorney General of Georgia. , Governor of Louisiana. (Cancelled due to Tropical Storm / Hurricane Isaac) , U.S. Senator from South Dakota.
  • Yash Wadhwa, Wisconsin civil engineer.
  • Tad True, vice president of a pipeline company in Wyoming.
  • Michelle Voorheis, Michigan businesswoman. , U.S. Senator from Ohio.
  • Steve Cohen, CEO of Screen Machine Industries in Ohio. , Governor of Puerto Rico. , former Governor of Minnesota and 2012 presidential candidate. , former Governor of Arkansas and 2008 presidential candidate. , former U.S. Secretary of State. , Governor of New Mexico. , U.S. Representative from Wisconsin and nominee for Vice President of the United States. [5]

Thursday, August 30: Eastwood, Rubio and Romney Edit

Actor and director Clint Eastwood made a planned surprise appearance at the convention, speaking at the top of the final hour. He spent much of his speech time on a largely improvised routine addressing an empty chair representing President Obama. In at least two instances, Eastwood implied the President had uttered profanities directed both at Romney and Eastwood. [73] Eastwood's remarks were well-received within the convention hall, but responses were mixed in the media. [74] Film critic Roger Ebert commented "Clint, my hero, is coming across as sad and pathetic. He didn't need to do this to himself. It's unworthy of him". [75] Comedian Bob Newhart, who had popularized empty-chair interviews in the 1960s, tweeted in his deadpan humor style, "I heard that Clint Eastwood was channeling me at the RNC. My lawyers and I are drafting our lawsuit". [76]

Thursday night concluded with Romney's acceptance speech. He announced that if elected, a Romney administration energy policy would take "full advantage of our oil and coal and gas and nuclear and renewables". [77] Romney also joked about the Obama administration's policies on climate change, saying "President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet", a line which elicited laughter from the convention audience. [78] By way of contrast, Romney continued "MY promise. is to help you and your family."

Thursday's speakers included:

    , United States Representative from Florida's 14th congressional district and 2012 Republican nominee from Florida for U.S. Senate. , former Republican Speaker of the House and 2012 Presidential candidate & his wife, Callista Gingrich.
  • Craig Romney, son of Mitt Romney. , former Governor of Florida accompanied by teacher Sean Duffy and former student Frantz Placide. , United States Representative for Washington's 5th congressional district.
  • Grant Bennett, CEO of CPS Technologies and former consultant of Bain Capital.
  • Ted and Pat Oparowsky and Pam Finlayson from Mitt Romney's former congregation , chairman of Romney for President campaign. , founder of Staples Inc.
  • Ray Fernandez, owner of Vida Pharmacy , former Lt. Governor of Massachusetts.
  • Jane Edmonds, former Massachusetts Secretary of Workforce. , actor he was confirmed to be the "mystery speaker" that had been subject of media speculation since the opening day of the convention. [79] , United States Senator from Florida. , former Governor of Massachusetts and nominee for President of the United States. [5]

Invocations and blessings Edit

Besides Rabbi Soloveichik, another five religious leaders were scheduled to provide blessings or invocations, including the Rev. Sammy Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference Ishwar Singh of the Sikh Society of Central Florida Archbishop Demetrios, primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Ken and Priscilla Hutchins of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (to open [80] ) and Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan. [81] Dolan gave the closing prayer.

In October 2011, Tampa city officials began planning for anticipated protests, and discussions centered around small prior protests by the Occupy movement. According to former Tampa City Council member John Dingfelder, then the senior staff attorney for the mid-Florida office of the American Civil Liberties Union, the convention should expect to draw far more protestors and the city should plan on up to 10,000. Dingfelder encouraged the city to be proactive regarding where protests could occur and protestors could sleep. Tampa's Mayor Bob Buckhorn's response was "If they want a place to sleep, they can go home or to a hotel. Just because they want to occupy something doesn't mean we are obligated to provide them with an opportunity to camp out in a public park or on a sidewalk." [82]

The city of Tampa has banned puppets from downtown during the convention, a decision which some puppet-makers say violates their civil liberties. Police claimed that puppets could be used to conceal weapons—at the 2000 RNC, police charged a group of puppet-makers in Philadelphia with conspiracy to resist arrest. [83]

On August 4, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held a forum addressing what would be considered free speech during the Convention. [84] [85]

In early August, the city announced plans to provide delegates and protestors alike with water and portable toilets. [86]

Various groups began demonstrating on July 27 in Tampa and Tallahassee as part of a one-month countdown to the convention, calling for "good jobs, healthcare, affordable education, equality and peace." [87]

Fact-Checking Ann and Mitt Romney's Hardknock Early Years

If you didn't know much about Mitt and Ann Romney's biography, you might have gotten the impression from Ann's speech at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night that they were once two crazy kids in love just scraping by in a sad little slum.

If you didn't know much about Mitt and Ann Romney's biography, you might have gotten the impression from Ann's speech at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night that they were once two crazy kids in love just scraping by in a sad little slum. There's no doubt the Romneys were very much in love, but their youthful real estate experience wasn't typical of impoverished college students, or even middle class ones. They lived off stock options.

Like Ann Romney, Chris Christie talked about his hardscrabble early years, when he and his wife moved into a "studio apartment," as if it's the norm of a young married couple to move into a suburban McMansion straight out of college. Let's go through the lines of Ann Romney's speech to see where the cute-poverty rhetoric doesn't quite match up with history:

Their first apartment

Ann Romney Tuesday: "We got married and moved into a basement apartment. We walked to class together, shared the housekeeping, and ate a lot of pasta and tuna fish."

Ann Romney in 1994: When Mitt Romney was running for Senate in 1994, his wife gave a candid interview with Jack Thomas of NS Boston Globe, published October 20, 1994. She told Thomas that after their Hawaii honeymoon, Mitt transferred to Brigham Young University. Back then, she still thought of that time as tough. But she wasn't as good at describing it, suggesting that it was rough living off stock options:

"They were not easy years. You have to understand, I was raised in a lovely neighborhood, as was Mitt, and at BYU, we moved into a $62-a-month basement apartment with a cement floor and lived there two years as students with no income. Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time."


Ann Romney 2012: "Our desk was a door propped up on sawhorses. Our dining room table was a fold down ironing board in the kitchen. Those were very special days. Then our first son came along."

Ann Romney 1994: "We had our first child in that tiny apartment. We couldn't afford a desk, so we used a door propped on sawhorses in our bedroom. It was a big door, so we could study on it together. The funny thing is that I never expected help." [Most college students would consider investment income help, right?]

Whether Mitt was 'handed success'

Ann Romney 2012: "Mitt will be the first to tell you that he is the most fortunate man in the world. He had two loving parents who gave him strong values and taught him the value of work. He had the chance to get the education his father never had. But as his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success."

Ann Romney 1994: "Remember, we'd been paying $ 62 a month rent, but here, rents were $ 400, and for a dump. This is when we took the now-famous loan that Mitt talks about from his father and bought a $42,000 home in Belmont, and you know? The mortgage payment was less than rent. Mitt saw that the Boston market was behind Chicago, LA and New York. We stayed there seven years and sold it for $90,000, so we not only stayed for free, we made money。 As I said, Mitt's very bright.

"Another son came along 18 months later, although we waited four years to have the third, because Mitt was still in school and we had no income except the stock we were chipping away at。 We were living on the edge, not entertaining. No, I did not work. Mitt thought it was important for me to stay home with the children, and I was delighted."

The risk at the start of Mitt's career

Ann Romney 2012: "I saw the long hours that started with that first job. I was there when he and a small group of friends talked about starting a new company. I was there when they struggled and wondered if the whole idea just wasn't going to work。 Mitt's reaction was to work harder and press on."

The Real Romney, by Michael Kranish and Scott Helman: At Bain & Company, founder Bill Bain treated Romney "as a kind of prince regent at the firm, a favored son." He selected Romney to start and run Bain Capital. "It would be Romney’s first chance to run his own firm and, potentially, to make a killing," they write. "It was an offer few young men in a hurry could refuse. Yet Romney stunned his boss by doing just that." They continue:

He explained to Bain that he didn’t want to risk his position, earnings, and reputation on an experiment. He found the offer appealing but didn’t want to make the decision in a “light or flippant manner.” So Bain sweetened the pot. He guaranteed that if the experiment failed Romney would get his old job and salary back, plus any raises he would have earned during his absence. Still, Romney worried about the impact on his reputation if he proved unable to do the job. Again the pot was sweetened. Bain promised that, if necessary, he would craft a cover story saying that Romney’s return to Bain & Company was needed due to his value as a consultant. “So,” Bain explained, “there was no professional or financial risk.” This time Romney said yes.

Accuracy in Media

Chris Matthews, who has been on a rampage this week in trying to label the Republican Party as racist, switched gears last night after Ann Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention and used the opportunity to attack Mitt Romney directly.

Matthews complimented Ann Romney for a speech that he said was personal and made her look good, and then turned his attention to Mitt Romney’s appearance on the stage at the end of her speech.

But then he came out at the end, and he almost looked like he came out on wheels And he almost looked like he came out on wheels, like he’s not real. That person who came out there like that, almost a statue of a person. His odd animation — his odd lack of animation. The way he moved in the room at the end was strange. She’s a real person trying to advertise him as a real person. But she really advertised a Mr.-Fix-It.

Matthews continued with his attack by referencing Romney’s wealth and calling him a “conehead” who doesn’t quite seem like an Earthling, adding that Ann Romney had to make Mitt seem like a real human being and not a “wooden like-figure.”

I’m not really sure how Romney was supposed to look last night in that very brief appearance. He kissed his wife and waved to the crowd, before departing with her, hand in hand.

Apparently that wasn’t sufficiently human for Matthews.

Don Irvine

Don Irvine serves as the Publisher for Accuracy in Media. He is active on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow him @donirvine to read his latest thoughts. View the complete archives from Don Irvine.

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Ann Romney needles convention planners, promises "heartfelt" speech

Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney hands out cookies during a flight to Tampa, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. AP Photo/Evan Vucci

(CBS News) TAMPA, Fla. - A spirited Ann Romney arrived in Tampa late Tuesday morning, expressing excitement at her opportunity to introduce her husband to millions of Americans - and humorous surprise at adviser Stuart Stevens and other planners over their strong interest over what she'll wear for her convention speech.

"Frankly, I didn't realize that Stuart had to weigh in on this - or my husband," she told reporters on a charter flight from Bedford, Mass., to Tampa. "It was going to be like my wedding night I wasn't going to let him know what I was going to wear. But now they have opinions."

Offering a glimpse at the message she hopes to portray in her speech, Ann Romney said it will be "heartfelt." She said she hopes voters will consider "how important this election's going to be, and how important it's going to be for them to consider the right things to make their right decisions."

She frequently introduces her husband on the campaign trail. But tonight she will use a teleprompter to deliver her remarks, something she acknowledged not being entirely comfortable with.

Republican Convention 2012

"This is a unique experience for me, to actually have something written because I've never used it," she told reporters. "No one has ever written a speech for me, no one has ever, I've never given anything off a sheet . so I had a lot of input in this, I must say. And a lot of tweaking where I felt like I was getting what I really wanted to say from my heart."

The presumed Republican nominee and his wife both spent the past two days practicing their speeches at a New Hampshire prep school. Ann Romney joked that she had practiced her speech enough recently that it had been "reduced to a tweet," and so decided to take time to do something she loves - baking.

"These are my grandmother's recipe, Welsh cakes," she explained as she passed a red tin of the round pastries among the press corps. "The funniest thing is my one grandmother was a great cook, the Welsh grandmother was a terrible cook, and I never liked her Welsh cakes growing up and I've learned how to make them in such a way that they're much more moist and delicious."

First published on August 28, 2012 / 3:55 PM

© 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Sarah Huisenga is covering the Mitt Romney campaign for CBS News and National Journal.

August 28, 2012

Partially reflected in a glass shelf, journalists cover a news conference of members of Syrian opposition groups presenting the program &lsquoThe Day After: Supporting a Democratic Transition in Syria&rsquo, in Berlin, Germany. (AP)

A chapter of the layered geological history of Mars is laid bare in this postcard from NASA&rsquos Curiosity rover. The image shows the base of Mount Sharp, the rover&rsquos eventual science destination. This image is a portion of a larger image taken by Curiosity&rsquos 100-millimeter Mast Camera on Aug. 23, 2012. (NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

An Albanian boy uses a branch in an effort to put out a blaze raging near the city of Memaliaj. Albania has battled multiple forest fires since June after several heat waves and months of drought. (AFP)

Many residents leave the New Orleans area in anticipation of tropical storm Isaac, which is expected to make landfall on the Louisiana coast as a hurricane in Kenner, Louisiana. (AP)

A clown performs during a media preview of &lsquoSlava&rsquos Snowshow&rsquo at the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore. The show was created by renowned Russian clown Slava Polunin in 1993. (AP)

A Chinese fisherman is rescued by South Korean coast guard officers, unseen, from a Chinese ship in Jeju, South Korea. A powerful typhoon pounded South Korea with strong winds and heavy rain. (AP)

A Gulf Air jet arrives over the top of houses to land at Heathrow Airport in west London. Britain&rsquos transport minister said she would probably resign if the government gave in to pressure to expand London&rsquos Heathrow airport. (Reuters)

Afghan locals gather at the site of a bomb blast in Kandahar province. The chief of police in Kandahar province survived the insurgent truck-bomb attack that killed four civilians, a spokeswoman for NATO-led forces and Afghan officials. (Reuters)

Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, center, R-Wis., works on the speech he will deliver at the Republican National Convention, with senior adviser Dan Senor, left, and senior aid Conor Sweeney during the campaign charter flight from Wisconsin to Tampa, Florida. (AP)

Ann Romney’s speech will evoke her heart and family ties

TAMPA, Fla. -- As expected, the speech that Ann Romney is to deliver this evening is heavy on appeal to emotion, based on her role as Mitt Romney’s wife, the mother of his five sons and the grandmother to his 18 grandchildren.

In an excerpt released by the Romney campaign several hours before she was to take the stage around 10 p.m. EDT on the first full day of the Republican National Convention, the aspiring first lady invoked her family, their strong bonds and her husband’s generosity of spirit.

“Tonight I want to talk to you from my heart about our hearts,” the 63-year-old wife of the Republican nominee will say. “I want to talk not about what divides us, but what holds us together as an American family. I want to talk to you tonight about that one great thing that unites us, that one thing that brings us our greatest joy when times are good, and the deepest solace in our dark hours. Tonight I want to talk to you about love.”

Her speech contains a paean to her father-in-law, George Romney, to whom she grew close when he helped oversee her conversion to Mormonism at a time when her future husband was away, first at college, then on his two-year mission to France: “Mitt’s dad never graduated from college. Instead, he became a carpenter. He worked hard, and he became the head of a car company, and then the governor of Michigan.”

The Romneys, who have been married 43 years, have often been described as having a strong marriage, but Ann Romney will seek to correct misperceptions as she alludes to some of her well-known health struggles: “I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a ‘storybook marriage.’ Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once. And those storybooks never seemed to have chapters called MS or breast cancer. A storybook marriage?いいえ、まったくありません。 What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.”

People often say that Ann Romney is her husband’s best character witness. This evening, her speech will seek to convey the sense that Mitt Romney has spent a lifetime helping others.

“At every turn in his life, this man I met at a high school dance has helped lift up others,” she will say. “He did it with the Olympics, when many wanted to give up.”

Ann Romney, who said earlier today she was nervous about using a prompter for the first time, will close with an appeal to voters: “This is the man America needs. This is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can’t be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair. This is the man who will work harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard.

“I can’t tell you what will happen over the next four years. But I can only stand here tonight, as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an American, and make you this solemn commitment: This man will not fail.

Ann Romney’s Love Story

Ann Romney told the Republican National Convention that she had come to talk about love—“from my heart, about our hearts.” She had been sent to make people love her husband, or to like him, or at least to “humanize” him. Love is useful that way it is, as she said, a force that “unites us,” a passion, in some hands, that can turn into a broad embrace. And yet, she insisted more on modesty, restraint, and a certain measure of defiance. “This is important. I want you to hear what I am going to say. Mitt doesn’t like to talk about how he helps others, because he see it as a privilege, not as a political talking point.” What kind of political love affair is this?

When Ann entered, dressed in red, the frames on the convention stage filled up with pictures of her as a teen-ager and a young mother. For most of the speech, the pictures never showed her getting much older than that: there were her children, as babies or as preschoolers there she was, in a Peter Pan collar. Neither, rhetorically, did her husband age much. She said that for her he was still “that boy I met at a high-school dance,” and her memories seemed to get vaguer as Mitt got older: she talked about the business he started, but not what kind of business it was. She also mentioned, several times, how he made her laugh. (No examples were forthcoming.) “You can trust Mitt,” she said. “He will take us to a better place, just as he took me home safely from that dance.” A “better place” might not have been the best phrase there was already something stultifying about the frozen way we were asked to look at set pieces from their marriage without inquiring too much.

Does love mean not having to talk about politics, or about money? Ann’s contradictions in this respect are not new, but they are revealing, both about her and about her husband’s political program. She has opened up more about what might be seen as intensely personal matters—talking about her illnesses, and, Tuesday morning on CBS, about a miscarriage she had in her forties. (Mitt looked surprised at one point, and, asked about it, said that he hadn’t known how much the loss had upset their youngest son until hearing it then.) But the closer that Ann gets to matters that are properly public—like her husband’s wealth and financial connections, and how they might affect his policies as President—the more insistent her claims to privacy become. Her line about Mitt not liking to talk about how he helps others is baffling on its own—shouldn’t someone who is running for President give us a hint?—and also echoes the shameless explanation that she and her husband gave, in an interview with パレード, for not releasing their tax returns: that it would embarrass them by revealing just how charitable they were, and even impinging on their faith: “One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church,” Mitt said.

Ann was the most on edge—after a relaxed, genial opening—when she began to talk about her husband’s “success,” as she put it, and what she all but called other people’s jealousy. “You know what, it actually amazes me to see his history of success being attacked,” she said, and asked if we wanted our children to be “afraid of success,” and said that if President Obama had been successful he wouldn’t be “attacking” success. She acknowledged that her husband had started life on firm ground—she mentioned “values” and education, not that he was the son of a governor, auto executive, and Presidential candidate--and then said, “I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success—he built it!”

“He built it”—maybe this had to be said. A variation on the line was in pretty much every Republican speech, and written on signs all over the convention hall: “We built it.” It is remarkable to see how much can be made of a misquotation. The reference is to President Obama saying, not that business owners didn’t build anything, but that there were things that helped them, like roads and schools, that no one person can build alone. What is interesting is why the words have such rhetorical force. Part of it is the idea of Obama as a hater of private enterprise the other, though, is in the “we”—and the character of the implied “they,” the non-builders. In this telling, America is something that was built by people about whom Barack Obama knows and understands nothing. The most remarkable, and dubious, achievement of the Republican convention so far has been to make “we,” the most inclusive word in the English language, into an exclusionary one. The same might be said about love, which in the Romney story acts as a door that closes.

Another apparent rhetorical directive was to mention not just small businesses but “family businesses,” as often as possible. (Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire was especially good at that.) The phrase came up so deliberately and repetitively as to imply a patriotism of inheritance, something that should not be confused with a patriotic heritage.

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